National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 13

only used in specific circumstances . Any kind of abuse is not tolerated , including overuse of cattle prods . These practices also reduce the risk of cattle going down at the plant or auction market as well as product defects such as dark cutters , bruising and wasted product . Be Proactive in Culling Decisions
Many cull cows and bulls are culled due to a decrease in productivity and illness such as lameness . Fed animals are culled for similar reasons . When cattle are culled proactively , these animals are in a comparatively healthier state with a slightly higher body condition and have less risk of becoming lame or going down in the trailer . Producers are encouraged to cull animals earlier in the disease process like cancer eye , pneumonia or lameness , as long as drug withdrawal times are met , so animals can safely make it to their final destination without the risk of being condemned . Proactive culling can improve the welfare of the animal in addition to having a better product . NCBA created the Right Way . Right Time , a guide to cull cow management handout using results from the most recent audit . Producers and veterinarians can use this resource to evaluate their cull cattle management strategies and improve decision making with fitness for transport decisions . Train workers to understand when animals should be humanely euthanized rather than being shipped , as an animal should not make a long transport journey only to go down on the trailer or at the plant and be euthanized . Conduct Self-Assessments
Even with experienced cattle producers and drivers , complacency can sink in when performance is not evaluated . Work with a herd veterinarian , extension agent or BQA state coordinator to conduct a self-assessment on essential skills such as humane cattle stockmanship or facility management . Each operation has the responsibility to train their employees in cattle behavior and handling to improve cattle welfare , human safety and work efficiency . BQA provides a solid foundation for cattle producers and their teams so the ‘ why ’ is understood for quality cattle
The BQAT program includes trainings for employees on safety and cattle handling .
care . Continuous improvement through consistent training only improves cattle care , human safety and the final product .
Fitness for transport decisions influence both animal and human safety which can be adapted and improved based on the operation ’ s goals , workforce and facilities . Other workshops such as Stockmanship & Stewardship ( www . stockmanshipandstewardship . org ) provide live animal handling demonstrations for professional drivers , farmers and ranchers to improve their stockmanship skills . The BQAT program provides guidance on fitness for transport for animals in addition to providing preparation steps to ensure safe trips for transporters . More information on BQAT ’ s guidelines and the certification course can be found at www . bqa . org .
This article was also published in the Winter 2024 issue of Protein Producers magazine .



October 18 - 19th Fresno , CA

October 25 - 26th Hamburg , NY

For more information visit : stockmanshipandstewardship . org www . NCBA . org NATIONAL CATTLEMEN 13