National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 22


By Frank Stoltzfus Here are just a few highlights from the Region I meeting during Summer Business Meeting in San Diego . We elected two new members to the Nominating Committee . Chad Lanum from Indiana was elected for the Policy division and Hank Maxey from Virginia for the Federation division .
Dave Maples and Nikki Whitaker from the Kentucky Cattlemen ’ s Association ( KCA ) reported on the receipt of a $ 22 million grant . The Kentucky Cattlemen ’ s Foundation , with support from members of the Kentucky Livestock Coalition , will be constructing a Livestock Innovation Center at the University of Kentucky C . Oran Little Research Farm to educate and train those currently involved in livestock agriculture and to encourage the involvement of others .
This space will be a central coordinating point and key resource for the livestock industry in Kentucky ; its construction will be an asset for livestock owners across the eastern U . S . and will elevate the image of livestock worldwide . The facility will also include a Culinary Training Center that will provide valueadded and culinary development fore the food processing , manufacturing and retail industry . KCA is working to make this project an elite East Coast facility to educate producers and consumers and promote beef . Congratulations !
Finally , Sara Flokstra from the Michigan Cattlemen ’ s Association announced the details for the Region I Leadership Meeting to be held at Great Lakes Sire Service in Bronson , Michigan , Sept . 26-27 , 2024 . We look forward to seeing our leadership teams from both the Policy and Federation divisions .
By Joe Hancock I truly enjoyed visiting everyone at Summer Business Meeting in San Diego while engaging in issues facing our industry .
This summer , the Alabama Cattlemen ’ s Association ( ACA ) held several regional meetings and had listening sessions for the Producer Profitability Initiative . This grassroots discussion helped outline educational opportunities and policy items for the ACA to prioritize in 2025 .
Tennessee Cattlemen ’ s Association has been coordinating messaging with the state FSA office to encourage producers to get their acreage updated to qualify for drought programs . Three counties qualified for assistance during the summer drought .
Florida had a strong Annual Convention in June with more than 1,800 registered attendees . They were also actively engaged at Summer Business Meeting in grassroots policy .
Louisiana wrapped up its legislative secession in June . Louisiana Cattlemen ’ s Association ’ s focus was on amending HB 784 to include , “ The owner of livestock is not liable for personal injury or property damage for livestock that escape an enclosure due to a fortuitous event , no fault of the owner , or third-party provocation .” They felt blessed when the governor signed this bill into law May 23 .
North Carolina was under a severe drought in June and early July . However , once the rain started it did not stop . Excessive rainfall coupled with rainfall from Hurricane Debby has now led to flooding in several regions , with more rain in forecast .
Georgia Cattlemen ’ s Association ’ s ( GCA ) Legislative Committee will meet to finalize their efforts for next session to include work on removal of the Sunset Date for the expansion of truck weights that GCA was responsible for two years ago .
Mississippi has a 10-year perpetual ad valorem tax increase on agriculture structures . The upcoming re-evaluation will result in a three-fold increase . Their association is working with legislators to remedy this financial burden from the shoulders of agriculture producers .
By Charlie Besher First , a big thank you to all who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the Summer Business Meeting , and a big thanks to all who attended the policy meetings . Summer Business Meeting is where NCBA members roll up their sleeves and get the work done . We had a great Region III meeting where we elected two new members to the Nominating Committee , David Dick from Missouri for the Policy division and Janine Moore for the Federation division ; congratulations to both . At our region meeting , we also discussed the potential of having a region meeting outside of CattleCon and the Summer Business Meeting . There are a lot of folks in our region who just cannot get away at the time of year these events are held . We are looking at opportunities for these folks to be involved , so we have sent out a survey to the state executives to establish things like location , time of year , agenda , etc . If you have thoughts and ideas on the potential region meeting , please reach out to myself or Janine .
I would also like to extend a thank you to Wisconsin Cattlemen ’ s Association for the invite to their summer tour . I got to visit some nice operations in a place I never had the opportunity to visit before , and I got to visit with numerous producers to get their thoughts and concerns on issues that are affecting them and how they operate . Fall calving will soon be here for some of us , so it is a good time to make sure your black vulture permit is up to date . Have a great fall !
By Scott Anderson Another busy summer for Region IV affiliates serving the needs of their respective members . Oklahoma Cattlemen ’ s Association ( OCA ) engaged in Interim Studies with legislators on issues ranging from water to alternative energy to property rights policy . Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association ( TSCRA ) testified before the Texas House Committee on Culture , Recreation and Tourism to promote the need for the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program and raise awareness about land fragmentation trends and impacts amid the state ’ s rapid population growth . Texas Cattle Feeders Association ( TCFA ) participated in Texas regional water planning sessions to update the State Water Plan as well as discussions with CME on the live cattle futures contracts . In conjunction with XIT Feeders — Five Rivers Cattle Feeding , TCFA also hosted a Secure Beef Supply Plan Exercise demonstrating the enhanced biosecurity protocols that would be implemented as part of a foreign animal disease response .
We also saw several examples of serving others in the region . The TSCRA Disaster Relief Fund is now actively distributing $ 1.8