National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 6

We illustrated how the ingredient lists of these products were similar to dog food . We pushed for accurate labels . More importantly , we were able to prove their claims about our environmental impact were absolutely false and misleading .
From the CEO
Colin Woodall
In July ’ s edition of National Cattlemen , NCBA president Mark Eisele talked about the work we have done in fighting back against lab-grown protein . This has been a priority issue for us , and Mark did an excellent job recapping recent developments . As I read his article , it got me thinking about all the work NCBA has done on the issue of fake meat , so I wanted to build on the piece he wrote .
In early 2019 , Beyond Meat , Incorporated , was listed on NASDAQ with an initial public offering price of $ 25 per share . It started trading at almost twice that number and , given the hype around their products , the stock price quickly rose to almost $ 235 per share by the end of July . Just a few weeks later , Burger King introduced their Impossible Whopper and it seemed that was all we heard about for weeks . You , as our membership , made it clear that NCBA needed to step up and start punching . Thanks to the policy direction you gave us , we began our campaign and made the term “ fake meat ” one that was used in daily conversation . We illustrated how the ingredient lists of these products were similar to dog food . We pushed for accurate labels . More importantly , we were able to prove their claims about our environmental impact were absolutely false and misleading . From news stories to working with Congress , we were able to protect and defend beef .
The interesting thing about Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods is they built their entire marketing campaigns around disparaging real beef . They forgot about the need to create a product the consumer actually wants and is willing to pay for . That became painfully clear to them during the pandemic when the consumer was cleaning out the beef case and leaving behind fully stocked displays of Beyond products . As I am writing this , Beyond Meat ’ s stock is trading around $ 6 per share . That is a drop of more than 95 % from its high . As I was looking at the historical stock price chart , an article popped up about Beyond Meat with the title “ Some Ideas Are Too Bad To Invest In .” That pretty much sums up the state of plant-based fake meat .
As Mark wrote about , though , we ’ re still in the game of defending our industry from lab-grown protein . We ’ re not willing to call this stuff “ fake meat ” because we don ’ t know how it is produced . We know they take cells from cattle and put them in a bioreactor along with a lot of other stuff that NCBA Past President Todd Wilkinson famously calls “ goop .” It is a good name since the companies have not disclosed what it ’ s comprised of . Do you find it interesting that many of the people funding these companies are also the ones who


are firmly against conventional agriculture and love to use the terms “ factory farming ” and “ industrial agriculture ?”
These companies have yet to create a product that imitates beef , but they haven ’ t given up . In the meantime , we have been successful in securing USDA ’ s role in inspecting these products . Lab-grown protein companies like Upside Foods only wanted FDA to have jurisdiction over their manufacturing process . FDA uses a riskbased inspection process which means you might see an inspector once a week , once a month or possibly once a year . Beef processing plants must have inspectors on the job every day . Since live bovine cells are being used in the bioreactor process , there is no reason to believe they would not be subject to many of the same food borne threats we are . We succeeded in securing USDA ’ s role in the inspection process . That is a huge win for us . We must still work on ensuring these products are labeled accurately for the consumer , but that has not been an easy task with the Biden administration .
In the meantime , the lab-grown protein companies aren ’ t finding much love . Upside Foods cut its workforce and restructured its leadership team . SCiFi Foods , a California company focused only on lab-grown protein from cattle cells , went out of business . Earlier this summer , we discovered that the U . S . Department of Defense ( DoD ) was preparing to spend your tax dollars to fund another California company called BioMADE in developing a lab-grown protein that would provide nutrient-dense military rations for our men and women in the armed forces . There is no way NCBA was going to allow our troops to be treated like lab rats when beef is already a nutrient-dense food available today . NCBA was on just about every news station talking about this waste of tax dollars and mistreatment of our armed forces personnel . We had a long line of Senators and Members of Congress offering amendments to stop this . Retired Air Force Brigadier General Don Bacon represents the 2nd Congressional District of Nebraska and made it clear this action by DoD was unacceptable to him as a Congressman and an Air Force veteran . I ’ m pleased to let you know NCBA killed that DoD project .
Nothing beats beef the way nature intended it to be . The consumer knows it and is showing their support through strong beef demand . The fake meat and lab-grown companies continue to learn this lesson the hard way . This fight is far from being over , but NCBA will continue to lead in defending you .
We illustrated how the ingredient lists of these products were similar to dog food . We pushed for accurate labels . More importantly , we were able to prove their claims about our environmental impact were absolutely false and misleading .