National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 17

WHEREAS , beef producers are expected to keep written records for the audit process and cannot be tied to multiple record systems ,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA work towards aligning the current Beef Quality Assurance assessments with such third party audits .
Support for the World Organization for Animal Health and Codex - Amended
WHEREAS , the World Organization for Animal Health ( WOAH ) and the Codex Alimentarius ( Codex ) set international standards for animal health related issues and food safety related issues respectively , WHEREAS , NCBA has been established as a member of the U . S . Delegation on both WOAH and Codex representing the interests of U . S . cattle producers , and WHEREAS , WOAH and Codex are the official scientific bodies utilized by the World Trade Organization in the event of a trade dispute , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA continues their involvement in both WOAH and Codex as members of the U . S . Delegation bringing forth the concerns and ensuring the interests of the U . S . cattle producers and industry .
National Animal Disease Center and National Veterinary Services Laboratory Funding - Amended
WHEREAS , the National Animal Disease Center ( NADC ) and the National Veterinary Services Laboratory ( NVSL ), both located in Ames , Iowa , have a world-wide reputation for animal disease research , and WHEREAS , the current NADC and NVSL facilities are aging to the point that future research possibilities and biosecurity measures will be limited , serving to inhibit the safety and competitive position of the U . S . livestock industry , and WHEREAS , NADC , NVSL , and the Center for Veterinary Biologics are currently utilizing departmental cooperation which will result in more efficient research at a reduced cost , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA strongly supports continued funding for NADC and NVSL .
USDA Disease Program Improvements - Amended
WHEREAS , USDA is currently reviewing the federal tuberculosis program , along with a number of other animal disease programs , THEREFORE BE IT DIRECTED , NCBA encourages USDA to quickly advance program improvements and actively engage with producers and state affiliates in each of these endeavors to enhance the tuberculosis program and other disease programs such that disease risk can be accurately assessed and managed without placing undue restriction on commerce among states .
Support for Enhanced Animal Disease Traceability Systems – Amended
WHEREAS , NCBA continues to be an industry-leading organization on animal identification ( ID ) issues , and WHEREAS , intrastate and interstate animal ID plans are being developed for the purpose of establishing a means to ensure animal disease traceability , and WHEREAS , a goal should be to enable the cattle industry and state / federal animal health officials to respond rapidly and effectively to animal health emergencies , and WHEREAS , the industry is placing renewed emphasis on preventing the introduction of foreign animal diseases of concern , and WHEREAS , the proposed USDA-APHIS animal disease traceability ( ADT ) framework does not eliminate the need for continued brand inspection programs , and WHEREAS , most major beef-exporting countries have implemented animal ID and traceability systems and are using their systems to differentiate themselves from the U . S . with customers in global markets , and WHEREAS , the World Organization for Animal Health ( WOAH ) has adopted guidelines on animal ID and traceability that establish basic principles which any traceability system should satisfy , and WHEREAS , the 2021-2025 Beef Industry Long Range Plan emphasizes that the cattle industry should secure the broad adoption of individual animal ID disease traceability system ( s ) to equip the industry to effectively manage a disease outbreak while enhancing both domestic and global trust in U . S . beef , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA supports the development and implementation of a nationally significant ADT system . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA asserts an effective , nationally significant ADT program should :
• Be compatible with private sector animal ID and verification programs backed by the USDA .
• Be compatible with the general traceability principles of WOAH .
• Recognize existing USDA programs for beef exports .
• Be built using infrastructure that supports other potential uses of ID .
• Utilize low-cost electronic official tagging devices and reader infrastructure paid for by federal and / or state funds .
• Require that cattle ID information for disease traceability be kept confidential and
www . NCBA . org strongly protected from disclosure .
• Protect ownership information from disclosure to future owners .
• Protect producers from liability for acts of others , after the cattle have left the producer ’ s control .
• Operate at the speed of commerce .
• Maintain existing state brand inspection activities without replacement or impediment .
• Work within a framework to accommodate all classes of cattle .
• Allow for separate rule making process for cattle under 18 months of age .
• Allow cattle movement between adjoining states on pasture-to-pasture permits at the discretion of the involved state animal health officials .
• Maintain data integrity throughout the system , including retagging and retirement of tags at harvest .
• Provide adequate resources to the states to facilitate the objectives of ADT and include the transition to any electronic identification .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA supports adoption and implementation by the beef cattle industry of electronic identification ( EID ) devices for interstate movement of all cattle subject to the 2013 USDA Animal Disease Traceability rule ( sexually intact cattle > 18 months , rodeo and exhibition cattle , dairy cattle ). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA provides outreach and education to members following anticipated publication of USDA ’ s final rule requiring EID devices for interstate movement of all cattle subject to the 2013 USDA Animal Disease Traceability rule ( sexually intact cattle > 18 months , rodeo and exhibition cattle , dairy cattle ). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA supports a private , industry managed , nongovernment Independent Database Collaborator ( IDC ) to serve as a hub for critical data coordination , including data collection and housing for four data points ( ID number , time , date and location ); seamless coordination with USDA ’ s Animal Health Event Repository ( AHER ) and major animal identification program organizations ; and a defined process for animal health officials to interact with the IDC in the event of a disease event of national significance .
Support for Traceability Education , Partnership , and Implementation - New
WHEREAS , the U . S . cattle industry faces catastrophic economic consequences from the outbreak of a foreign animal disease , and WHEREAS , NCBA continues to be an industry-leading organization committed to innovative animal identification practices that support animal disease traceability , and WHEREAS , additional educational efforts are necessary to inform cattle producers of the importance and benefits of traceability systems for responding effectively and efficiently to animal health emergencies , THEREFORE BE IT DIRECTED , NCBA engages with agricultural stakeholders to educate cattle producers about the value of animal disease traceability efforts and promote adoption of electronic identification devices ( EID ) tags . BE IT FURTHER DIRECTED , NCBA partners , where appropriate , with state departments of agriculture , state animal health officials , veterinary organizations , extension agents , cattle industry associations , and private industry to accomplish these educational efforts , increase adoption of EID tags , and lead implementation of an effective animal disease traceability system .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** Animal Care Beef Quality Assurance Regulation and Use of Biologicals Protection from Foreign Animal Diseases Tuberculosis Health Regulations for Sport Cattle or
Timed Event Cattle Tuberculosis Eradication U . S ./ Canadian Animal Disease Control Fescue Research Bovine Leukosis Virus USDA Research Funding for Neospora caninum and Nematode Research USDA Research Funding for EBA Research Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Education and Research Support Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus International Biosecurity Bovine Congestive Heart Disease