National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 18

Natural Asset Companies ( NAC ) - New
WHEREAS , the issuance of federal grazing permits to livestock producers and the right of livestock producers to fully utilize the resource per the terms and conditions of their permit are both enshrined in federal law , and WHEREAS , livestock grazing on federal lands generates enormous social , economic , and environmental value , including billions of dollars annually in ecosystem services , and WHEREAS , federal policy decisions regarding land management and grazing are not always based on sound science and can be politically biased , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA opposes any effort to utilize private sector contracts or products , including but not limited to natural asset companies , to restrict livestock grazing on any federal lands . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA opposes any effort by the federal land management agencies to utilize private sector contracts or products , including but not limited to natural asset companies , to circumvent their existing internal processes and statutory obligations .
Delisting of Grizzly Bears and Wolves - Amended
BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA supports petitioning USFWS to delist the grizzly bear and the wolf , across its entire range , and return the management of those two species to the states . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , in the event delisting is not accomplished , NCBA remains strongly opposed to any expansion of existing parks or designations of “ eco-systems ” that give priority to grizzly bear and wolf recovery efforts over agricultural economic values . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA opposes translocation , introduction , or reintroduction of grizzly bears and wolves to areas where there is not currently a population of that species . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA seeks congressional support for a legislative delisting of recovered populations of grizzly bears and wolves .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** Federal Lands Management Direct Access to Federal Court Notice to Permittees Legal Public Access Multiple-Use Grazing Advisory Boards Fence Height Requirements for Roads and Highways Permittee Input into Public Lands Management Decisions Conservation Agreements and Interconnectivity of Land Management On-Refuge and Park Hunting State Entitlement Federal Land Designations Wild Horses & Burros Federal Lands Recreation Federal Grazing Fee Formula Vandalism on Federal Lands Opposition to Grazing Permit Retirement Programs Equal Access to Justice Act National Historic Preservation Act Amendment Sage Grouse Management Mexican Gray Wolf Bison Grazing on Federal Lands Innovative Rangeland Monitoring Rehabilitation of Sage Brush Habitat from Fire and Other Disturbances USFWS and National Marine Fisheries Service Range Monitor Funding Water Rights on Federal Lands Wild and Scenic Rivers Off-Road Vehicles Catastrophic Wildfire Local Economy and Lifestyle in Public Land
Management Decisions Shared Stewardship
Enforcement of Trade Laws - Amended
BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA actively pursues enforcement of U . S . trade laws , insofar as they are consistent with current NCBA policies .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** USDA-FAS MAP Funding International Markets Definition of Beef Dumping Inclusion of Products in Trade Agreements Export of Beef from Non-Hormone Treated Cattle International Beef Trade
Amendment of the Packers & Stockyards Act - Amended
WHEREAS , the purpose of the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 ( the Act ) is to assure fair competition and fair trade practices , safeguard farmers and ranchers , protect consumers , and protect members of the livestock , meat , and poultry industries from unfair , deceptive , unjustly discriminatory and monopolistic practices , and WHEREAS , specific updates to the Act are periodically needed to assure USDA is meeting the regulatory needs of a rapidly changing cattle industry , but opening the Act to broad legislative revision subjects the industry to unnecessary political risk , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA supports implementing the following in the event the Act is opened :
• Provide for a statutory Dealer Trust similar to the existing Packer Trust .
• Deny registration to any applicant for registration under the Act with a prior conviction of fraud , theft , or embezzlement .
• Eliminate reparation authority from the Act .
• Strike the Secretary of Agriculture ’ s authority over rate reasonableness .
• Protect existing prompt payment and packer trust provisions .
• Clarify demonstrations of competitive injury are required to establish a violation of Sections 202 ( a ) and / or ( b ) of the Act .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA opposes any federal legislative or regulatory attempt to deny the Secretary of Agriculture the authority to delegate brand inspection to qualified and duly organized livestock associations of any state . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA supports the inspection of brands , marks , and other identifying characteristics of livestock sold at all public markets , including satellite and video auctions .
Livestock Weights for Sale - Amended
WHEREAS , the availability of local scale facilities is essential for the orderly purchase and sale of livestock , and WHEREAS , it is critical that certified scale facilities be inspected by an official licensing agency , and WHEREAS , scale certification renewal is required on an annual cycle by most state licensing agencies , and WHEREAS , the Packers & Stockyards Division ( PSD ) currently mandates that livestock weights for purchase and sale must be from a scale certified twice per calendar year , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA urges PSD to modify their rules to allow all channels of trade by certified scales officially inspected in accordance with individual state statutes . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA urges PSD to allow the use of state certified scales whether or not it has a printer or stamped ticket capability as long as it is agreed upon by buyer and seller .
Livestock Risk Protection Program Refinement - New
WHEREAS , the Livestock Risk Protection ( LRP ) program is a risk management program for livestock producers , and WHEREAS , LRP requires ownership and possession of the livestock to implement the policy , and WHEREAS , producers often buy livestock on contracts for future delivery , and WHEREAS , this leaves the producers exposed to market volatility and risk until the delivery of the livestock . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA works with USDA ’ s Risk Management Agency for the ability to obtain an LRP contract once a purchase contract is obtained and the down payment has been paid .
Livestock Risk Protection Improvements - New
WHEREAS , the Livestock Risk Protection ( LRP ) program is beneficial to