National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 19

producers , and WHEREAS , USDA offers a 35 % to 55 % subsidy for produces using the LRP insurance product , and WHEREAS , LRP-Feeder Cattle prices align with the CME Group ( CME ) Feeder Cattle Index , and WHEREAS , the LRP available dates can align with a corresponding CME feeder cattle option , and WHEREAS , a producer can buy a LRP policy on owned cattle and also sell the same coverage in the options market , which may result in subsidy capture . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA supports a study to evaluate preventing LRP policies from lining up with CME futures expiration dates . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , NCBA encourages USDA ’ s Risk Management Agency to protect the integrity of LRP through systematic review , analysis , evaluation , and enforcement of laws , policies , and procedures to prevent misuse of LRP .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** Shipment of Cattle from Hawaii
Emergency Replacement and Repair of Personal and Real Property - Amended
WHEREAS , current state and federal permitting processes do not allow for timely reaction to resource management in emergency situations , and WHEREAS , resources and private property rights are being destroyed because of this elongated permitting process , and WHEREAS , permit streamlining and protection of private property rights are recognized as being important for economic recovery in all states of the United States of America , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA works to pass legislation at the state and federal levels that will :
• Allow landowners to take immediate action to replace and repair any land lost by catastrophic events such as floods , hurricanes , fires , earthquakes , or other natural disasters .
• Allow private property owners the authority in each case to return the lands lost to the pre-event topography within nine months of the event , or as soon as natural conditions allow .
• Allow private property owners to use and / or move materials within the area or import clean upland materials to replace the land lost during the event .
• Require that all permitting requirements be waived with regards to replacing property lost and that notification to one lead agency will serve as proper notification to allow landowners to proceed with the project .
• Require the lead agency to respond within 10 calendar days upon notification from landowners regarding guidelines , if any , for the protection of endangered species , as long as those guidelines place no additional encumbrance or duty of care on landowners .
• Eliminate mitigation for action necessary to replace land lost during such catastrophic events .
• Exempt temporary access roads , culverted crossings , diversion of flows , or other activity to facilitate reconstruction as needed .
• Determine the pre-event topography through use of field acreage maps , prior surveys , photos , aerial photos , and / or existing topography .
• Eliminate any delays in the emergency replacement and repair of personal and real property created by federal agency permitting requirements .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** Public Interest Lawsuits Public Access to Private Land Wild and Scenic Rivers and Scenic Highways and Byways Bills Bureau of Reclamation Environmental Quality Incentives Program and Other Programs Livestock Manure Universal Soil Loss Equation USDA Reorganization
Rails to Trails Trespass and Unmanned Surveillance Reintroduction of Grizzly Bears Wolf and / or Grizzly Bear Recovery Delisting Goal Species Recovery and Introduction Incentive-Based Conservation Efforts for Species and Habitats
Lending Rates - New
WHEREAS , the U . S . Securities and Exchange Commission proposed a regulation to require companies to disclose greenhouse gas emissions from upstream and downstream activities in their respective value chains , and WHEREAS , such a proposal could require financial institutions to set greenhouse gas emission targets for loan eligibility or vary interest rates according to greenhouse gas emission levels , and WHEREAS , access to capital , specifically provided through lending , is necessary for new and existing farm and ranch businesses , and WHEREAS , financial risk is based on the borrower ’ s overall ability to repay a loan , which is based on factors such as debt load , income , and collateral , not greenhouse gas emissions . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA opposes government mandates that require financial institutions to consider greenhouse gas emissions to determine eligibility for loans , lending fees , or lending rates .
Federal Student Aid - New
WHEREAS , changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ) were enacted into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 , and WHEREAS , the adjusted value of a family farm or small business is now used when calculating expected financial contributions from parents in the FAFSA , and WHEREAS , the assets of farmers and ranchers often exceed cash on hand , and WHEREAS , the inclusion of farm assets may make receiving need-based scholarships harder for children of farmers and ranchers . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA advocates to bring back the exceptions for family farms and small businesses with fewer than 100 employees from the term “ assets ”.
Capital Gains Tax – Property Transfer - New
WHEREAS , cattle producers pay a substantial portion of taxes on their income at capital gains rates , and WHEREAS , the transfer of property between generations includes the use of installment sales which are recognized at capital gains rates , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA supports expanding the income thresholds at which taxable income is charged at those rates and the lowering of capital gains rates themselves .
Tax & Credit – Business Reporting Requirements - New
WHEREAS , the federal government and state governments continue to add business registration , disclosure , and reporting requirements for American small businesses , such as the Corporate Transparency Act , and WHEREAS , small businesses continue to face rising compliance costs with limited resources , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , NCBA opposes authorizing and implementing any additional burdensome registrations or reporting requirements with respect to business operations .
RENEWED POLICY WITHOUT CHANGES ** Taxes — Sub-Chapter “ S ” Corporations Death Tax Ag Production Exemption Capital Gains : Conservation Easements Cash Accounting Tax Treatment of General Permit Process
Mandated Expenditures Bonus Depreciation
** To see the full policy for any of the renewed policies , please scan the QR code or visit https :// shorturl . at / NPH03 to take you to a document with the full descriptions of all those policies and directives renewed without change . www . NCBA . org NATIONAL CATTLEMEN 19