National Cattlemen September 2024 | Page 30

Building beef demand by inspiring , unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership .
For more than 60 years , grassroots producer engagement has driven the demand for beef through the Federation of State Beef Councils . States voluntarily invest in the Federation to build beef demand by inspiring , unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership . Ultimately , it is cattle producers from coast to coast who direct the Federation ’ s work , and we celebrate their dedication . These are the “ Faces of the Federation .”
Sue Link , Federation Director Link Enterprises | Elbert , Colorado
On the high plains of eastern Colorado , Sue Link and her husband live on their ranch , own a cow-calf operation and sell grass-fed beef . In addition to managing the ranch , the Links are involved with their community , including 4-H and cattlemen ’ s associations . Sue is the current Elbert County Noxious Weed Advisory Board chairman and works in partnership with fellow ranchers to fight the war on weeds in a fragile ecosystem while also educating newcomers how to be good stewards of their land . Sue ’ s participation in the Young Cattlemen ’ s Conference in 2005 elevated her volunteerism within the industry and her passion continues to drive her work with the Federation of State Beef Councils .
How does the Federation of State Beef Councils impact the beef industry ?
For more than seven years I have served on the Colorado Beef Council board and as a Federation director on the Nutrition and Health Checkoff Committee . I appreciate learning about the different research projects , especially those concerning children , the lack of protein in their diets and how that ’ s affecting them . Beef , like other animal proteins , is a complete protein that children , adolescents , and the elderly need in order to be healthy , not only physically , but cognitively as well . I ’ m proud that we , as producers , are helping direct funds to this research .
The volunteer participation is truly grassroots . The Federation brings us together to focus on the common goal of building demand for beef . I ’ m representing producers , just like myself . The producers at home often ask me what ’ s going on at meetings . It ’ s pretty exciting to take home all the information we discuss , including industry challenges , authorization requests as well as the numerous positive impacts the Beef Checkoff-funded work is having on the industry . What are some of the benefits of investing in the Federation ?
The Colorado Beef Council really benefits from the Nutrition Seminar Program . Accredited nutrition speakers talk to our dietary interns and nurse practitioners about the benefits of beef in a healthy lifestyle . Currently , we are working with the Colorado High School Sports Association . We have a renowned speaker conducting webinars for parents , students and coaches , talking specifically about the benefits of beef and the protein needed for these athletes to perform to the best of their ability . This program wouldn ’ t be possible without the collaboration of state beef councils and funding from the Beef Checkoff . Why do you think the Federation continues to be vital ?
This is an exciting time to be a part of the Federation . After more than 60 years , it ’ s clear this is something that works and that we need to continue . I said yes to serving on the Federation because I could see it was a way for producers to come together and make sure things are done right , that we do have a voice , there is accountability , and we can make positive decisions to drive demand for beef .
We ’ re all a bunch of independently minded people . We love what we do , and we think it ’ s the right thing to do . I want
producers to know there ’ s an opportunity for them here , to encourage them to get involved , make things better and give back to the industry . I also know they ’ d see the Beef Checkoff dollar really does make a difference . What is the most important message you ’ d like to share about the Federation ?
The work we do isn ’ t just for us today . It ’ s also for our children , our grandchildren , and others in the future . My granddaughter is 13 , and she absolutely loves to be horseback in the pasture with me . She loves to check cattle , count cattle and make sure we have the right number of calves . This was her first year participating in the Junior Cattlemen group and wants to come back . My hope is she can see that the people involved in the industry are the ones who are passionate and know they can make a difference , even in challenging times . The reason I ’ m here doing the work with the Federation is to make sure my granddaughter and others have a future in the industry .